20 October 2014

Rowad honors the youth activist Hany Thurya

Rowad society for social  development represented by his director  Mr. Mohammed Abu Seido the youth activist  HanyThurya in a work meeting which combined them in the society office Sunday before 2 days.


This honor comes From the society administration for Thurya'sin recognition of his precious and continuing  work toservethe people ofthe Palestinian peopleinthe besieged Gaza Strip,especiallycontacting  withdonors anddonorsabroad, and cooperation with Rowad Association in the implementation ofmany projectsduring the waron Gaza andbeyond, where they implemented  food packages, mattresses and blanketsandmilkdistributionproject and hotfood meals andrecently  a school bag project and currently is currently the association is  preparingfor the implementation ofinterest-free loansprojectfor a classof working women and all of these projects area generous donation from the Viva Palestina Malaysia Foundation.


For his part, Thuraya thanked the association administrator for this kind gesture and expressed his admiration forthe highprofessionalismthe which the association enjoyed,  and their continuing efforts to provide the best service to Gazan seismically   the class which affected by  the war.



Rowad cconcludes composing a left t for the disable Yousef Abu Ameera


Rowad honors the director of Jordanian innovative in Gaza.