24 January 2016

Rowad puts final touches on project of winter clothes project for poor children in Gaza

Rowad Society for Social Development put the final touches on the project of winter clothes implemented in the Gaza Strip and funded by Zakat Foundation of America and the Turkish Sadaqa Tasi institution where 1090 children benefited from the project whose funding is 27,300$.


Mr.Rabah Bekhiet, the society’s COB, said that winter clothes include: coat, sport suit, pants, blouse, shoes, gloves, hat and scarf. He also indicated that this project in one of many others implemented in Winter each year to help poor families under the extreme cold weather and difficult economic conditions such as unemployment and poverty; there is 90% of families living under poverty line under the continuous Israeli siege for the tenth year in a row.


For his side, Mr.Mohammed Abosido, the society’s executive manager, said that Rowad will always help the poor and marginalized families by making contacts with good people abroad in order to alleviate the burdens of these families.


Under extreme cold weather, Rowad distributes winter clothes to poor children in Khuza’a, Khanyounis


"Rowad" implements the project of "Winter Aid" supported by international public foundation to aid Gaza