24 June 2016

With generous support from “Yateem Dar”, Rowad holds breakfast banquet

Rowad Society for Social Development has held a breakfast banquet in one of Gaza’s mosques with generous support from the Turkish institution “Yateem Dar”.

Eng.Mohammed Abosido, the society’s manager, said that breakfast project came within Goodness Grass campaign by which Rowad has been implementing tens of relief Ramadan projects that target different segments in the Gaza Strip under the difficult economic conditions and the 10-year siege on Gaza.
Eng.Mohammed Abosido expressed his deep gratitude for Yateem Dar institution and all good people for helping the Palestinians and sponsoring this project.


With generous support from “Fatah Dar” Rowad distributes food parcels


With generous support from the Turkish” Ehya’a Dar”, Rowad holds collective breakfast