23 March 2013

Rowad aids a poor family from Al Shate (Beach) Camp

Rowad Association for Community Development checked the living conditions of Om Ayman Zayadi's family, who lives in Shate (Beach) camp in Gaza city. She lives in very bad conditions and suffers from deteriorating economic situation. As a humanitarian commitment to help our people in Gaza Strip, the association provided the family with financial and in kind aids represented in cooking stove, gas calendar, 2 mattresses, 2 blankets and 2 pillows. In addition to that, the family was registered for a monthly sponsorship starts next month.  

This help comes as a response for Om Ayman's calling to check her condition, as she suffers from some chronic diseases and cannot afford the cost of medications.

Mr. Mohammed Abu Sido, head of the association, said that distribution of these aids is part of the association's role in reducing the impact of the economic burdens of poor families due to the tight siege since years. He stressed that Rowad stands beside all poor families with all its efforts to support their steadfastness.

From her side, Om Ayman expressed her gratitude and appreciation for the association and its efforts and she called upon the Almighty Allah to bless their role.


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