05 December 2016

Rowad holds field visits to small business holders

Within the soft loan project for enabling the Palestinian family funded by Viva Palestina Malaysia, Rowad Society for Social Development held field visits for 25 small business holders in the Gaza Strip who have submitted requests for the society to develop their projects.

For his side, Eng.Mohammed Absido, the society’s executive manager, explained that these field visits made for completing the projects’ financing procedures that show the nature of these projects and its compliance for the conditions of free-interest loan. He also talked about the importance of these projects in enhancing the Palestinian economy and increasing the income of the projects’ owners under the difficult economic conditions. 


It’s worth mentioning that Rowad has given interviews for the project holders over the past weeks and it will complete the procedures to obtain the approval of handing them the free-interest loan checks in the coming days. 


Rowad responds to appeal of poor family


Newborn per 10 minutes, 4676 newborns in Gaza during November