02 July 2016

Rowad starts project of field visit to help poor in Gaza

With generous support from the Algerian society” Albarakah”, Rowad holds collective breakfast

Rowad Society for Social Development has held a collective breakfast in one of Gaza’s mosques in East of Gaza on Sunday with generous support from the Algerian society “Albarakah”in Constantine province within Goodness Grass campaign.
Mr.Rabah Bekhiet, the society’s chairman of the Board of the Directors, said that breakfast project came within the series of Ramadan programs that Rowad has been implementing targeting all the Palestinian categories under the difficult economic conditions in the Gaza Strip due to the Israeli siege that exceeds 10 years.
Mr.Mohammed Abosido, the society’s manager, expressed his deep gratitude for Albarakah society and all good people in Algeria for helping the Palestinians and sponsoring this breakfast.


Rowad implements “Breakfast on the way campaign” with cooperation with Tafaol Youth Team


With support from Algerian society” Albarakah” Rowad implements project of one body for the needy families