02 July 2016

With support from Algerian society” Albarakah” Rowad implements project of one body for the needy families

With generous support from the Algerian society ”Albarakah”, Rowad Society for Social Development implemented project of one body targeting dozens of needy families in Gaza within Goodness Grass campaign.
For his side, Mr. Rabah Bakhit, the society’s chairman of the Board of the Directors, said that this project comes to confirm the messag of Rowad that aims to establish and consolidate the social solidarity and humanitarian compassion values through these relief programs and projects.

The idea of the project is represented in providing breakfast to poor families especially those that live in the rented houses and to sit down with them having food together in order to alleviate their burdens and watch their needs in the holy month of Ramadan.

The benefited families expressed their deep gratitude for good people in Constantine province in Algeria for their great efforts in helping the poor and needy and supporting their steadfastness.


Rowad starts project of field visit to help poor in Gaza


Rowad starts project of field visit to help poor in Gaza