21 June 2017

With generous funding from Hayrat Aid, Rowad implements project of Eid clothes

Rowad Society for Social Development implemented the project of Eid Clothes for children of the poor and marginalized families in Gaza City in the advent of Eid A-Fiter. The project is funded by Hayrat Aid- Turkey.

Mr.Rabah Bekhiet, the Chairman of the Board, explained that the reasons behind this project are to make the poor children and orphans happy during the Eid and sharing the happiness with them by offering them Eid clothes.


 For his side, Eng.Mohammed Abosido, the executive manager of Rowad, said that the projects implemented by Rowad seek to achieve the social solidarity values and the responsibility towards the society under the siege imposed on the Strip and the difficult economic conditions through which the Gazans go.

It is worth mentioning that Rowad will distribute hundreds of Eid clothes with participation of other charities and good people within Ghurass Al-Khayr Campaign of Ramadan. 



On the 19th day of Ramadan, "Rowad" continues distributing food parcels with support of Sadakatasi


Rowad implements project of " Joy of Eid 4 "during Eid al-Fitr